Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Friends for every season

Aug. 1, 2006 - Friends for every season ...
over the course of the past three weeks, at least once a week the Lord has provided a wonderful time with friends ... each event was somewhat unexpected and precious!

Two weeks ago, because we were celebrating the life of a believer gone home, AJ and I were able to visit friends in Indiana. This place (and when I say place, I don't mean a particular location, but rather a feeling that follows wherever these people are!) has been my favorite refuge since I was 14 ... God always bring a sense of peace to my heart when we're together. Someday I'll share the whole story with you! But for now, it's a place where transparency is experienced in the rarest of forms, clarity of God's will is the sought after gem, unconditional love is extended in every direction. laughter often brings things more into perspective and a Boggle-battle is always close at hand.

One weeks ago, I had breakfast with a friend that I've been out of touch with for a while ... we used to talk on the phone at least once a day, usually have dinner once a week and we knew the intimate details of daily life. As our lives took different paths, we would stay in touch, but the relationship was often strained and lacked honesty ... last week over breakfast, we laughed, caught up on families and remembered only the reasons we really like each other.

This week an impromptu lunch with since-we-started-homeschooling friends provided a moment of peace and fellowship that I wasn't even aware I was so desperately needing!(Not to mention the introduction to a new lunch spot!) Time to discuss kids and husbands and life and homeschooling and church and ... everyday challenges and blessings.

True gifts and counted blessings!


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