Wednesday, March 24, 2010

in case you needed another reason to homeschool ...

Dec. 21, 2006 - In case you needed another reason to homeschool ...
Forester: School 'house is on fire'

By Rick Laneyof The Daily Times StaffBlount County is getting a privately funded, independent education group to address what some see as "burning" issues in its public schools.The Blount County Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Board started working over the summer on a plan to create what they are currently calling the "Education Initiatives Group."Research has long suggested there is a direct link between public education in American cities and towns and the success or failure of economic development efforts.Education impacts worker wages, social stability, corporate site selection for new facilities, real estate values and overall community tax bases.Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee recently said, "If you are looking for salvation for the Mid-South Delta, look no farther than public schools."If we can improve the public schools, economic development will follow."According to members of the Economic Development Board's Education Committee, major local businesses including ALCOA Tennessee Operations and DENSO Manufacturing Tennessee, struggle to find qualified workers for even entry-level positions from Blount County."DENSO is excited about this new initiative — to raise the level of concern for the importance of education in our community," said Jim Woroniecki, senior vice president of human resources and administration for DENSO. "Our goal has always been to attract and retain the very best candidates." DENSO currently interviews 12 candidates in Blount County to find one worker qualified for an entry-level, hourly position. ALCOA reportedly interviews 10 candidates for every one entry-level new hire."Some of our local businesses have expressed a concern over access to a well-educated work force in this area," said Fred Forster, President and CEO of the Economic Development Board and a member of the board's Education Committee.Forster said, "We like to tell ourselves we have great schools here, and Blount County Schools rate highly in the state, but they rate highly in a state that is ranked 47th in the nation."The students lack basic math and English skills, and there's a drug problem."People need to know that the house is on fire in American education. We have issues here, and until we face them we have a problem."With office space, a job description and "limited support" provided by the Chamber and Economic Development Board, the privately funded education group plans to recruit candidates during January and hire someone to lead the effort in February.The plan calls for the Education Initiatives Group to eventually be "spun off" as an independent entity after five years."We're putting in a huge technical park and trying to attract high-tech companies while we can't get workers for DENSO and ALCOA," Forster said.According to Forster, the primary focus of the Education Initiatives Group, which will soon be given an official name, will be to let people know how much the local schools impact economic development efforts."The greatest impact we can have," Forster said, "is to simply let the people know there's a problem."


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