Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oct. 16, 2008 - Scattegories
It Coulda Been Worse
had a fun meme on her site today and since I've fed 3 different familes for the past 3 days, washed a million and one dishes/spoons/forks/glasses (slight exaggeration, but not much) ... my ability to create a read-worthy blog is questionable!
So I'm just going to play along!

Here are the rules:
Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real places, names, things. nothing made up!
You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name? arajbrown
2. A 4 Letter Word: Able ... describes my favorite people in the world, my husband- able to provide in a multitude of ways, my son-able to bring a smile in the most difficult of circumstances, my dearest friend, able to cut straight to my heart with that two-edged sword, my God in all ways, always..
3. A Boys Name: Atticus, I do love that name!
4. A Girls Name: Abby (I might have liked to have named a little girl that ...)
5. An Occupation: Artist, which is what I would call my husband, but never myself.
6. A Color: Amber (hate that color)
7. Something you wear: ankle socks ... don't get the wrong picture, there's no ruffle or lace or even pink trim, they are socks that land at my ankle ...
8. A Beverage: Apple Juice
9. A Food: Asparagus (great teamed with chicken breasts in a creamy sauce over whatever carb you choose (rice, cous cous, egg noodles)
10. Something found in the bathroom: Asprin
11. A place: Ashville, the first romantic destination for hubby and me!
12. A Reason for being late: A cell phone, a book, a bookbag, a pair of shoes ... a son who would forget his head if it weren't attached, and regardless of how cheesy that sounds- it's true!!!
13. Something you shout: Alright, someone's gonna get hurt. Those words get play at my house on a daily basis!
Okay, I tag all of y’all.


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