Scott's Sermon Series ...
is titled UNDENIABLE.
How Jesus reveals Himself as Undeniably the Son of God.
Each of the sermons have keyed in on the fact that after coming out of spiritual darkness it takes a while for our spiritual eyes to adjust to the Light.
And it's funny, because I find myself having to refocus my spiritual eyes continually lately. It seems that days run in and out of darkness and light so quickly that I can hardly keep up. But on this Sunday, Scott said two things that knew I needed to be held accountable to ...
1) You don't have to understand everything to believe in something
2)It's time to stop focusing on the unexplainable and start living in the undeniable truth of who Jesus is ...
in Jn 9:1 ... Jesus came upon the man, "As he went along ..." Jesus did ministry as he went along in his day ... he didn't manufacture or create a need - there was a need presented just "as he went along ..."
:2 reflects how many feel about any mallady or problem in your life- there must be some hidden sin.
But Jesus clears that up in
vs 3 ... sometimes, we face things just because He allows it so that HIS
GLORY can be projected out of your life
and that's where I camped for a while. I'd love to say I was completely engaged in what Scott said- I have copious notes that might indicate such, but the truth is, I was hung up ...
hung up in wondering- is there sin in my life and that's why we face some of the difficulties that we do. Afterall, I know lots of people who believe in God's Favor. Lots of people who believe in God's Sovereignty over Free Will. And it seems like those things lead to futility in why we follow ... why we serve ... why whatever? I mean, if after all these years, I still have JUNK I can't reconcile in my life, then what's up with that? Friendships that hurt to look at, family that doesn't act like family ... stuff ...
I jumped back into the sermon about the time he made this statement ... "Everytime God gets ready to do something he demands an act of Faith where we step out and say we believe You are who you say you are God."
And I have found myself here ... struggling between transparency as an act of faith. waiting to see where He leads. Knowing that the outcome is in His hands, wanting it my way.
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