Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mar. 29, 2008 - It's been a long, cold, lonely winter ...
okay ...
maybe not cold ... by the standards of anyone over the Mason-Dixon line.
maybe not lonely ... here has been no lack of folks around who are in need
and maybe no longer than any other winter, since that season is given it's allotment of time on the calendar just as every year is given.
it has seemed an unusually harsh season. I don't know if it's the climate of my heart or the busy-ness of the days or possibly just the lack of sunlight that seems to happen from late January to mid-March.
At any rate, I'm going to try to get myself back into some sense of blog-routine.
Today hubby is digging with the Bobcat ... mounds of clay-laden dirt are being removed from the side of the hill in anticipation of a basketball court (for the next ten years or so) /someday garage (when the basketball has no use at the home of empty-nesters). My Indiana soul is still shocked everytime we start a project like this to find that no matter how far we dig down, there is still no rich, black dirt to be found.
When I was little and we drove through West Tn in route to Mississippi, I thought the red dirt was somehow on fire, making fumes that cause me to have difficulty breathing. In reality, we were just hitting traffic in Nashville about the time that the sun was getting really high in the noon sky ... I'd been riding for 6 or so hours in a car with the windows rolled up and adults who smoked. The combination of stand-still traffic in Nashville, heat from the summer sun, hours of cigarette smoke in my asthmatic lungs and the slightly claustrophobic panic that I still get on long car rides conspired against the only thing my 7 year old brain could find to blame ... the red dirt.
Funny how we find thing to cling to that we think could make our situation temporary. Child or adult ... our brains function so that we build a world in which we can function until the real world either adjusts itself or we grow into the reality of it. If you haven't seen The Martain Child - rent it. It is an amazing story. And I won't say another word about it, because it's just too good to spoil any of it.
Alright, so we'll see whether this leads me back into a routine ...


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