Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Surreal ...

May. 9, 2006 - Surreal...
that's the only way I know to describe the moments when I return to Maryville College and do anything other than being a student. Today I stood in the classroom where I took American History from Dr. Russell Parker. The classroom in which I received a D+ and really deserved much less than that! It was the first semester of college ... I was the first from my family to attend college ... I was outclassed in my prior knowledge(afterall, I had breezed US History in HS without opening the book)! He wanted me to ???? analyze and discuss???? what happened to good 'ole spewwwwwiiiiinnnnnngg of facts!!??!! Today, I was discussing Homeschooling with about 35 upcoming public school teachers. They were kinder than the crew Sarah mentioned a few weeks ago in smallworld . And some of their questions were quite interesting ... like "Isn't if difficult when you just need a break?" as if all parents don't need some time off!! And, "Aren't you sheltering them too much?" as if you could possibly shelter a 6 year old too much in this day! But there were some thought provoking questions like, "What, if anything, could be done to make homeschooling more successful?" And, "How do you allow your children chances for diversity?"

They asked questions about socialization and high school core subjects and sports and extracurricular activities. They were young and idealistic ... that is an admirable quality. I remember it fondly. I think it began to dwindle when I pulled a kid out of a fight and had to carry him to the principal's office in my arms while my co-teacher held the bully against the wall. But ... I was reminded today of what once was a desire to go out and change the world a classroom at a time. My goals are more focused now ... my world a bit smaller in scope right now, but the desire is still there. I need to be doing more in terms of supporting the education of children. I don't know right now what that looks like, but I owe it to myself to think about it some more.

So- it has been a good day in my neighborhood! The evening was cool, AJ enjoyed a long night of jumping on the trampoline we've been blessed to receive, a new dog has come to live at the Brown Lodge and Randy's home getting some much needed sleep before midnight tonight. The Lord has been good to us!


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