Wednesday, March 24, 2010

For Randy's Birthday ...

May. 24, 2006 - Randy's Birthday!
In the spirit of and I want to sing the praises of my fella on his birthday! So, in honor of his 48th birthday, here are 48 reasons I love my guy!

The fact that he LOVES being a daddy!
He works harder than anyone I know so that we can homeschool and I can be a stay at home mom.
He loves old houses.
His eyes.
His passion about his work.
His amazing ability to see more than meets the eye in many situations!
The fact that his dimple shows when he's really tickled by something or he's joking!
He is the most honest, ethical person I know!
He worries about how his behavior will impact the opinions others have of the Lord.
He can talk to anyone!
He will stop whatever he's doing to help someone in need.
Old people are drawn to his kind spirit.
He lives out the thought that there are no dumb questions.
He never expects anyone he works for to settle for less.
He believes everyone deserves to live in the house they've always dreamed of!
His eyes lit up the first time he saw the ocean!
He loves puppies.
He's never too tired to play with AJ.
He built our 2nd story without any drawings, blueprints ... only the vision in his mind!
He loves my best friend ... all my friends really!
He always sees the best in everyone.
He also always assumes the best in everyone.
The first time he saw Biltmore House, he was speechless for the first 10 minutes! And then you couldn't shut him up!
He can build anything!
He can usually find the materials to build anything ... around our house!
He sees value in all things ... the rug on the side of the road, the old guy down the street, the screen door someone tossed to the side of the road, the guy that looks like he was tossed to the side of the road.
He understands and longs for legacy!
Time means nothing to him because whatever he's doing right now is the most important thing in the world.
He has tremendous respect for our earth.
He has a respect and curiosity about cultures and people different from his own.
He's the leader in our family.(Ok ... I love that most of the time, but that's my problem not his)!
He loves my nieces and nephew as much as I do.
He's teaching our son to be a Godly man.
He listens to people more than he talks.
He's humble.
He's compassionate.
He watches smart TV!
He loves chocolate more than I do!
He looks great in Levis or overalls!
He also looks great in Khakis and a polo!
The way I feel when he has his arms wrapped around me when he comes home!
He ordered my Christmas present from a funeral director and had them call our home to tell him it was ready ... when I called to get the messages(before I knew what it was) and heard Larry Click's message ... "Hey Randy, I've got the thing you ordered for Amy ready. I hope it isn't too late already. Call me at the funeral home when you want to bring her by..." It ended up being a marble sign that read "Big Sky" ... the first words out of my mouth the night we moved in to the Holston College house.
He sings when he listens to bluegrass or The Beatles
He loves his brothers and sisters!
He is a blast on road trips!
He still loves to get toys!
He is admired by all who know him!
He takes us camping and lets us think we're helping even though it would probably be easier if he did everything himself!


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