Wednesday, December 22, 2010

One little boy

The first place AJ and I stopped on our marathon "look for Christmas gifts and find that they are no longer in stock" trip to Knox-vegas today was Lifeway.

The book we were looking for wasn't there ... so we browsed around, just poking around looking for that right gift. We didn't really find what we weren't really looking for- but what we did see  huddled down by the discounted Christmas items was a little boy, about 4, who was very carefully looking at the large nativity scene that was placed there. At first, he was just 'petting' the different pieces. Gently running his hands over the lamb, the manger, Mary and Joseph.

And then, a moment occurred. He so very tenderly picked up the baby Jesus. He must have a baby or two that live in his house because he knew exactly what to do. He placed his right hand carefully behind the head of the baby, formed a perfectly-sized crook in his left arm and seamlessly snuggled Jesus right into his little body.

It was a sacred moment.

 ... and then in that moment, the most precious, tender voice began to sing- in just the slightest whisper  ... Joy to a World da Lord has come ... Let earf, receif a King ... Let Heaven sing, Let Heaven Sing ... not hitting every note or word but exemplifying every sentiment of praise in that song.

Oh, there were words missing, but not the joy. He was not embarrassed or timid about singing. He wasn't worried about where his mama was or if he was getting a toy from kid section or that there were people watching him

He was with Jesus.

And he was captivated.

He is in love with Jesus.

As the day progressed ... we saw other little boys on our trek. Some just as cute and sweet ... many caught up in the moment and terrorizing the mother in tow.

It caused me to reflect on how do we approach Jesus? Do we approach him with a heart so totally in awe of Who He Is ... that we can not help but praise Him with joy? Regardless of the circumstance.

Or are we so enchanted by the call of the world that we flail around ... wanting what we want ... demanding to be the center of attention ... unappreciative of what we have because we are so focused on what we think we want ...

only to find that the only thing that will satisfy was wrapped in swaddling ... nestled in the crook of His earthly mother's arm ... with animals nearby ... over 2000 years ago ...

and today we can find him as close as our next breath, the next sunrise, the next sunset, the next touch of a child, the next embrace of a loved one, the next kindness of a friend or the next chaotic moment of our day when He is equally there and ready to envelop your very life.

Lord Jesus, You are so worthy of praise and honor. Every glimpse of You should reflect an opportunity to sing "Joy to da World" in our most child-like wonder! Jesus- over the next three days, before Christmas actually gets here, would you open my eyes to that child-like wonder. Remind my heart to be in awe of You.


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