Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Some crossroads are just ...
more difficult to navigate without being side-swiped.Today would be one of those days.Lord, help me to seek You first. Help me to remember that You go before me ... that you come behind me ...that You have ordained every path.Help me to remember You are here and you were there.Help me to only wade as far in as is safe.Help me to see a glimpse of You today.Take every thought in my reeling mind captive because I am helpless to do it.Help me to love, to forgive, to trust, to obey and to live.Remind me ...for every moment when I am not, You are.for every memory that takes me by surprise, You are not shocked.for every hurt that seems unbearable, You are the Healing.for every hate that threatens to over take me, You are the Hope.for every anxiousness to robs my peace, You are the Answer.for every act that steals my heart, You are the Anchor.


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